These are not drawn at the eyepiece these are drawn in a nice warm house they are to photographic to have been drawn out side in the dark .your so fake and so are these drawings there frames like camera images and theres way to much detail
That is a foul thing to do John: to accuse Roel of being fake, while the only fake announcements are yours.
It is clear that you never met Roel and you have never seen him busy sketching in the dark.
Many people know Roel and they will all confirm that he is a genuine artist at the eyepiece.
John Lier: you and I have one thing in common: we both envy Roel for his skills.
But next time, you better try a compliment before posting a (false!) accusation like you did.
Hallo Roel,
wij hebben enige jaren terug contact met elkaar gehad betreffende een Televue Nagler 16 mm type 5 die jij destijds van mij hebt overgenomen.
Ik heb interesse in een van jouw geweldige detailtekeningen van de maan (Hyginus). Is deze te koop en zo ja wat is de eventuele vraagprijs en wat zijn de afmetingen van deze superieure schets?
Met vriendelijke groet,
Al Pierik
These are not drawn at the eyepiece these are drawn in a nice warm house they are to photographic to have been drawn out side in the dark .your so fake and so are these drawings there frames like camera images and theres way to much detail
Best compliment I ever got!
John, sometimes there are People who master things you’ll never learn and thas OK. Don’t be jealous, just Enjoy!
Indeed Roel, best compliment you could ever get for the difficult work I’ve seen you perform behind the eyepiece many times.
5 star comment also 🙂
That is a foul thing to do John: to accuse Roel of being fake, while the only fake announcements are yours.
It is clear that you never met Roel and you have never seen him busy sketching in the dark.
Many people know Roel and they will all confirm that he is a genuine artist at the eyepiece.
John Lier: you and I have one thing in common: we both envy Roel for his skills.
But next time, you better try a compliment before posting a (false!) accusation like you did.
Hallo Roel,
wij hebben enige jaren terug contact met elkaar gehad betreffende een Televue Nagler 16 mm type 5 die jij destijds van mij hebt overgenomen.
Ik heb interesse in een van jouw geweldige detailtekeningen van de maan (Hyginus). Is deze te koop en zo ja wat is de eventuele vraagprijs en wat zijn de afmetingen van deze superieure schets?
Met vriendelijke groet,
Al Pierik